The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120986   Message #2644177
Posted By: Gervase
30-May-09 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?
OK - 14 simple questions. You can use both sides of the paper. If you can provide a convincing answer to any of them I'll be surprised.

1: Disprove the 'lies' stated in this thread about the BNP. Maybe the trickiest one, so you might like to skip this and go on to...
2: Explain Nick Griffin's comments to the KKK meeting.
3: Do you endorse physical and verbal attacks on black and asian people?
4: Do you think that someone convicted of incitement to racial hatred is a fit person to lead a political party?
5: Did the Holocaust happen?
6: Do you agree with these statements from the BNP message board; Somebody should start major-league deporting them before some vigilante groups, somewhere, start major-league killing them in the streets...And, if I see one being honour-killed, somewhere, I'll develop deafness, blindness and complete social unawareness - it's amazing how suddenly we can be afflicted with such things, given how stressful modern life can be!? Are they acceptable?
7: Do you deny that one of the BNP's policies is to 're-patriate immigrants' (particularly non-whites) back to their country of origin?
8: What is your evidence for unprovoked violence against the BNP?
9: Is the BNP facing an inquiry into its funding after Nick Griffin paid a £5,000 political donation into his personal bank account without declaring it?
10: Was John Tyndall, the BNP's founder, a Nazi? Are the photographs of him, in a Nazi uniform with a swastika flag, genuine?
11: Why is the BNP aligned with hate groups throughout the world?
12: How many generations should one have to go back to prove 'pure British' stock?
13: Did two senior BNP activists try to smuggle under-age schoolgirls into the party's conference hotel, only to have the poor girls run screaming from their rooms?
14: Do you agree that 12 out of the BNP's 20 elected councillors have appalling records for criminality, non-attendance, dishonesty and incompetence (see here ).