The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120306   Message #2644737
Posted By: Bobert
31-May-09 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Subject: RE: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
The term "ad hominem" isn't accurate, Kent... But I understand fully why it is used by those who support gun ownership at any cost... Yeah, seems that when all else fails the pro-gunners drag out "ad hominem" as if it is the silver bullet, pun intended, to try to get folks to look at more reasonable as meanies... That dog don't hunt...

There ain't not ad hominem here... I am not speaking from emotion... Nor I am speaking from prejudice... Nor am am attacking anyone personally...

What I am doing is trying to get a discussion going about not only the 2nd ammendment, it's history (as Rap has done with his quotes" and reasonable policy that will make our society safter...

If there is any elememnt of ad hominem that remotely fits is that. yes, I do have in interest in keeping guns out of the hands of people who clearly do not make our society safer... That one part does serve my "self interest" as well as the self interest of our society...

Now back to the quotes that Rap has made... I find most of them do frame the thinking of the Founding Fathers and I don't see any that support the genaral unfettered access to very powerful and deadly arms that are available in today's market...

I stand by my assessment that the NRA has stiffled discussion in the interst of making it's member's more money...
