The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120986   Message #2645432
Posted By: Fred McCormick
01-Jun-09 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Mandotim."Without zero, modern mathematics (and therefore the whole digital world) would be impossible."

Exactly. It is part of the ethnophobic dogma of the BNP that Europe invented everything worth while and then used its brains and ingenuity to civilise the rest of the world, who then turned their ungrateful backs on us. As anyone with half an open mind knows, it just didn't happen like that.

Someone on this thread provided a link to a documentary, the first 20 minutes of which are now on Youtube, but which was originally broadcast by the BBC. It contained a clip of John Tyndall making a speech. In it he said that the only things which Africa ever gave us were witchcraft, voodoo, black magic and AIDS.

He might have mentioned that Africa gave us vast mineral resources, gargantuan amounts of raw materials and several million slaves, without which the industrial revolution could never have happened. Oh sorry, no. Those things were stolen from Africa by sheer naked imperialism. And as part of white attempts to justificy the conquest of Africa, a whole litany of myths and lies was spun about the 'inferior' natives. A litany which the far right continues to gorge itself on.