The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120959   Message #2645575
Posted By: Mick Woods
01-Jun-09 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
Subject: RE: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
The links are both working for me the knockholt one is a bit slow to load. Anyway here is the message from the treasurer:

"The committee have decided that we are going to aim to make Knockholt self funding as the total outlay for the two weekends in June and September 2008 came to £1,000 last year the main drain being the toilets and wood which amounted to £759.26. The majority of committee members felt that we shouldn't be using the club funds to finance it. So it was decided that this June as well as the £4.00 per night for the farmer we will charge a further £2.00 per night which will go towards the cost of the toilets and wood etc. Only charging the £4 farmers fee for those who come on Wednesday and Thursday as that is really the working party who get everything set up before the main event on Friday and Saturday. Pauline will also run a raffle with the proceeds going into Knockholt expenses, Obviously the funds will still have to shoulder the bulk of the cost this time."

I did respond to the committee about my concerns and issues that I have with the above decision and as yet have not had a reply. two committee members that I did speak to informaly, told me that they were not present when this decision was made, and they too had concerns..