The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121159   Message #2645611
Posted By: Eric the Viking
01-Jun-09 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bring back Democracy to the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Bring back Democracy to the UK
Akenaton, please do not include me in the "we". I and many many others never bought into the Thatcherite greed culture. I didn't take the management route for a higher salary though I was under pressure to do so. I didn't get mortgage upon mortgage up to the hilt, borrowing much more than I could afford to pay back. I wrote to my MP about the war, I have been on peaceful protests and continue to donate to charities when ever I can.

There were many warnings, many stood in opposition and many never bought the hype.

It didn't include most people I would suggest, but it certainly was pushed and hyped up as the answer. A million quiet voices and ordinary struggling lives never seem to reach the heights of a few hundred greedy and loud individuals.

Just remember that at the same time MP's and government were moralising at us peasents to tighten our belts, grass up a benefits cheat,fill in our tax returns or else! Means testing hundreds of people for student support or for benefits, closing small and essential post offices, raising higher and higher the level of taxation and fuel duty, removing the right to supported further and higher education for the lower paid, putting students into thousands of pounds of debt, bragging that they had given pensioners another 10p a week, hearing of fuel poverty, ignoring the numbers of old and frail who die in winter etc etc.And don't forget not giving our service personel correct equipment.

Just remember that they were charging US for kitkats, toilet seats, chocolate father christmases, making thousands on shady property deals, having free trips to anywhere there was a free anything and better, plasma TV's, duck houses, avoiding taxes, lying, cheating and milking us for all they could. They were claiming for money spent on wreaths of poppies, they were claiming on the trivial and downright obscene.

If we, the population did anything was to trust them !! Never again.