The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120306   Message #2646040
Posted By: Kent Davis
01-Jun-09 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Subject: RE: BS: Yet Another Mass Shooting (fill in the blanks)
Bobert, my fellow Mountaineer, at least we can agree on one thing. I too "doubt this [more gun regulation]would have prevented this true-believer-wacko from killing this doctor but it might have..."

It might have prevented it, although a willingness to murder is often accompanied by a willingness to violate other laws. If the murderer had no access to guns, he could have killed in other ways.

Tiller could have been, I suppose, attacked with a huge syringe of hypertonic saline, or ripped limb from limb with a powerful suction device, or perhaps stabbed in the back of the head and had his brain torn out.

Murder is murder, whatever tool is used. The New Testament is crystal-clear that no one may take the law into his own hands. See, for example, Romans 13:1-7 and I Peter 2:13-16. Jesus didn't kill Pilate. Paul didn't stab the Emperor Nero. Peter didn't strangle Herod Agrippa. No follower of Christ would have killed Tiller. The one who killed him forfeits the name of Christian, whatever justification he may claim.   

