The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121238   Message #2647975
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
04-Jun-09 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: English Folk - Peasants to Professors
Subject: RE: English Folk - Peasants to Professors
Gawd, folkiedave...are you related to 'folkygrim' on the BBC? You know, that guy who used to turn up and rant at me about the most purile things..over and over and over...Hardly ever showed up on there unless I was there..You write in such a similar way...IMO, of course. :0)


Why do you have to apologise for having an opinion?

LOVE your opinions, even if others don't. They're what makes you, you.

And now, I gotta go out for the day, so I'll leave you all to rant and rage.

I'm off on a Peasant's Charabang Day Out to Torquay. (No Professors Allowed!) :0)

Didn't we 'ave a luvverly day...... ;0)