The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120959   Message #2648072
Posted By: Pierre Le Chapeau
04-Jun-09 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
Subject: RE: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
I shall not be side tracked by the exploits of Raynard The Fox and Ginger The Accursed
Chicken and the Rigmarole of Chicken Agents and all the scratching about in the Dirt that goes with it.

Has for the Par-larva of Richard Bridges Driveling, Hmm" So I have Heard..

Regarding the Sky falling down it has for some folk who think the above increase in Knockholt Fee,s is unjustified and there is even the Fandango that some folk are refusing to pay the increase?
In order to avoid any fiasco at this event, May I put it to you that the Treasurer of Folkmob makes a explanation to the increase so all the fuss it is causing can be
Firstly explained an debated on to boot.
I am wiling to pay the increase myself but feel a explanation who those to oppose the move is justified and so they should be appeased with WHY.?
Regards to all Pierre.
Road Runner, 'What next?

I shall start the thread myself.