The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121352   Message #2648518
Posted By: RTim
04-Jun-09 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat and Other Social Networks
Subject: RE: Mudcat and Other Social Networks
I see Mudcat as - a Subject Led Discussion Source - and only a minor Social Network medium.
I also use Facebook - and that is really for keeping in touch with Family, Relatives and friends over two Continents, eg. the UK and North America. And with people I chose!
I also use MySpace, but only to stream my music and keep contact with friends etc. in the similar field of Music, eg. Folk Music.
I also have a web page to advertise one of my recordings and use at least two e-mail addresses for all sorts of communications.
I like Mudcat as it is - except for the occasional "stupid thread" - that I can ALWAYS ignore if I don't want to read it. I would HATE to get e-mails as a result of something I might have written about on Mudcat - I am my own controller of how much to get involved.
Please leave as is - with all its faults and advantages.

Keep up the great work

Tim Radford