The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4244   Message #26487
Posted By: steve t
24-Apr-98 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: What is filk?
Subject: RE: What is filk?

Maggi Rhodes seemed like a very helpful, knowledgeable filker whom I corresponded with very briefly. Her home page was:
and her e-mail address, as found on her home page (back in december) was:
I also have the names of some Ottawa filkers, though their e-mail addresses are all over two years old. Posting to will draw you lots of responses quickly.
In person, I've never met a filker who wasn't as sweet as can be and I continue to wonder if I'm not missing something by ignoring the local filk scene.

On the net though, I've met with real jerks whose favorite mission in life seems to be to police the filk scene -- one of whom loudly announced he was filtering all my postings to the net because he couldn't stand to discuss posting filks without explicit permission from the author, then started flaming me and complaining to my sysop about postings which he thought I *might* put on the net. And basically, the filk community tolerates those self-appointed policemen.