The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23696   Message #264928
Posted By: paddymac
26-Jul-00 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: Whistling Gypsy - prejudice?
Subject: RE: BS: Whistling Gypsy
I'm still "HTML challenged" and haven;'t learned how to do BCTs, but here's a CNP (cut 'n paste)(:>) of Larry's msg. It comes from the "Do you play in a police state?" thread, which is a great discussion. The discussion at this point was about an interview Larry did in re some book which he found sorely lacking in merit.

Subject: RE: Do you play in a Police State? From: InOBU Date: 25-Jul-00 - 06:08 PM

Hi Kat: No he interviewed me after he inadvertantly made a racist remark about Roma (Gypsies). He had a rather racist guest, an author, and offered me an opportunity to debate his guest. His guest turned tail and ran, so I had an hour to my point of view.
