The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121408   Message #2650633
Posted By: jeddy
07-Jun-09 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
Subject: RE: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
WYISYG, WHY IS THAT GREAT RESTRAINT? oops forgot to take off caps, are you being sarcastic or do you truley admire them for not answering questions that have been put to them?

i would love to hear from BOTH of them but for entirely different reasons.

CLLR, i would like to know if he has made any progress in trying to talk to george.

AND GEORGE, because i would like the chance to try and understand why she would aline herself with such a nasty party.

Riginslinger, you seem to forget that there are other parties tht want to sort out immigration and the whole europe situation, why not recognise them instead of the bnp. the bnp are so much more that racist, they are evil, small minded people who would if possibe change this country beyond recognition, and not for the better.

if i have misread your' posts i am sorry, but it sounds like you think the ends justify the means. please tell me that my half aleesp brain has got it wrong!!!