The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121221   Message #2650968
Posted By: Beer
07-Jun-09 - 09:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: NHL Cup '09, Pt. II: The Final Series
Subject: RE: BS: NHL Cup '09, Pt. II: The Final Series
My greatest joy last evening was sitting back listening to the commentators expressing their wisdom as to how Detroit is so tired. One even asked one of the players as to what they will do because of it. Stupid assholes. Did they think that the Wings were going to roll over and die? But here is the best. At about the 15 minute mark they started the same thing again. No, not the Wings this time but the Pens.look awful tired.
If I recall they also spoke in the recent past games how much Crosby has matured from last years finals. Yep! right!. In my books he is still as immature as last year and I also think he should get some cat to lick of his mustache or not grow one at all. I said it last year and I'll say it again. Crosby has not learned to control his emotions. When the Pens are loosing you can read the expression on his face and it does not help his team.

The Pens hopefully come out and play in the next game otherwise it will be another 6 game Stanley Cup final for the Red Wings.

By the Way, I'm a hockey fan as well as a Red Wing fan. If Pits. win a well deserved game I am sad for my team but I will also acknowledge the fact that the Wings did not deserve to win.