The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121421   Message #2651057
Posted By: Gurney
08-Jun-09 - 01:21 AM
Thread Name: Looking for a bowed psaltery
Subject: RE: Looking for a bowed psaltery
I've built a couple of Bowed Psalteries in the distant past, although I never learned to play them much. They are usually tuned like a piano, with the 'white' notes to the right, 'black' to the left, over the top. If you can hold something weighing three pounds in the palm of your hand, thumb and little finger gripping, you will have no trouble. I did try playing one with a violin bow, but the 'usual' home-made bow was easier for me.
I'd describe the tone as eerie and ethereal, but it does go sour if you try to play loudly.

Hmmm. I still have a mould somewhere that I made to build a fibreglass one, a couple of bridges too.