The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121408   Message #2651149
Posted By: Nick
08-Jun-09 - 05:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
Subject: RE: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
I have tried engaging and discussing with supporters of the BNP in the past.


I met with two in a local pub some time back and had a discussion with them about there views. Since then I can guarantee that whenever I have seen them since then I am met with "this guy loves pakis" followed by out come the phones and one after another out roll the racist jokes.

This is political debate of the highest order. Policy driven. Highly intellectual.

Been threatened with physical violence when they were out with about 10 of their friends who share their views. The guy backed down when we got to the actual moment of him deciding whether to actually hit me or not which is probably a good thing for me as he is about twice my size.

I find it hard to accept BNP members as friends. If their views emerge after I already know them I'm afraid the friendship does not last as I can't reconcile friendship with the holding of those views.