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Thread #121408   Message #2651173
Posted By: Stu
08-Jun-09 - 06:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
Subject: RE: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
Well, I'm now represented in Europe by that whelk-eyed, shuffling, drooling, hunchbacked example of Aryan supremacy Griffin.

The BNP didn't increase their share of the vote (it actually went down) in the North-West, but the fact so many voters decided on BNP-Lite UKIP (whose MEP's have been spectacularly corrupt) and also stayed away in droves meant that the miscreants got in.

The government and those MP's rumbled during the expenses scandal are largely to blame for this disaster. The BNP and UKIP have managed to tap into the disillusionment of ordinary working-class people who feel totally let down and ignored by government. Even now, the lack of contrition by all involved in expenses debacle and the fact so many abusers of the system will get big payouts from the taxpayers they have already plundered when they are finally put out to grass only alienates people further.

This complete disillusionment is obvious to anyone who lives in the UK, except the political classes. The fact the people of the UK are crying out for a return to the politics of values, trust and engagement with ordinary citizens has passed the Prime Minister by completely. True to form he calls into No.10 the scrotum-faced cockney sparrow Sir Alan 'My products are shite but people are stupid enough to buy them' Sugar, offers him a Peerage and co-opts another unelected Labour buddy into the Government. Watching Sugar's almost embarrassed performance on the Andrew Marr Show yesterday morning makes me suspect he took the peerage because it strokes his inflated ego rather than a genuine altruistic desire to help struggling businesses - VAT relief for sole traders would go some way to sorting that out.

The real point is Sugar's appointment demonstrates Labour is still in thrall of the rich elite of UK big business rather than the people it is supposedly working for. No doubt we're all supposed to be impressed that Brown is calling on the savvy of a famous and very wealthy businessman/celeb like Sugar; in reality it confirms the popular view that Parliament is an old boys club. Had Brown given a peerage to a senior nurse of many years service and set her to work on reforming the over-managed NHS then that might have shown he finally understands that the public want a change to real world politics. Instead city bosses get big bonuses and payouts and the rest of us are left to struggle on.

The right-wing always do well when the economy is on the ropes and the vacuous ideology-free nature of the three main parties are laid bare. We should thunder against Griffin and his gang of oichs, but we should also be showing our MP's just how much they have let us down. I'll write to mine again, even though he's been shamed and humiliated recently, to remind him of his abject failure to his constituents and his country. I'll write to my new MP and encourage him to breathe new life into our stagnating towns, and represent all of the electorate in his new constituency.

They won't win, and in the long-run they never do; however it would be good if we can rid ourselves of this cancer of hate and intolerance in our society before it spreads too far.