The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121107   Message #2651224
Posted By: Azizi
08-Jun-09 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: Paul Whiteman-King of Jazz?
Subject: RE: Paul Whiteman-King of Jazz?
LilyHunt, Mudcat discussions often weave in and out of a particular topic. So your returning us to the "main" topic of this thread is fine no matter how many other side roads we've traveled since we focused on that topic.

And-speaking of sidebar comments- I want to compliment you on your writing in your first post to this thread, especially this sentence "I like my jazz like I like my men - hot, well constructed and none too bright - so Paul Whiteman always bored me."

That said, I suppose what you wrote was a bit sexist. But I ,for one, will forgive you (not that you want or need my forgiveness).
