The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104574   Message #2651266
Posted By: Art Thieme
08-Jun-09 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: A little vintage Art Thieme
Subject: RE: A little vintage Art Thieme
How good to hear from you! I'm sure there are oldtimers besides moi still here that miss you around this forum. We, Carol and I, are in good shape, for the shape we're in. The glass is more than half full because I threw up in it. Thanks for the idea about Punnembook. I'll think on it. Cathy and Marcy were here for a visit a bit ago and we had a fine time. Give my best to Chris Kastle. If Tom is there still (one never knows) a high-five to him too. --

-- The more things change, the more they get different.
