The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121221   Message #2651421
Posted By: wysiwyg
08-Jun-09 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: NHL Cup '09, Pt. II: The Final Series
Subject: Abrazos: NHL Cup '09, Pt. II: The Final Series
LOL, the different ways we use this thread.... (I'd be rich If I had a penny for every bum check the Pens have put up with in this series alone, never mind the whole playoffs-- but I know it looks different depending on which team a fan is protecting in their heart.)

Me, I had a hard stop an hour or two ago I think my hockeypals here may be able to rerlate to.... I find it quite amusing....

I had slept late (a rare luxury) and was rushing thru the AM chores which, in this pastors' home, includes thawing what may, later, be a really fast supper (we are awaiting another one of those "just died" phone calls from a parishioner family just up the road). I admit, I was not yet fully awake. "Which BBQ for the GAME?!?!?!?" was all I was thinking. "Gotta get the right BBQ for a WIN!!!" (I thawed both chix and porx.)

It was not until I'd tossed them in the oven to be ready for the game that I realized-- (A) it's TOMORROW (so I moved them to the fridge and yanked out a steak). And (B) I'd committed to be GONE for the first hour of tomorrow's game, at least, picking up a Freecycle item MILES away. (Good thing!!!)

Nervous? Uh, YEAH..... looking for a tin roof for that dance routine.
