The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120764   Message #2651607
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
08-Jun-09 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: Birthday Memoriam Andie-VTam's daughter
Subject: RE: BirthdayMemoriam Andie_VTam's daughter
Tam, this is especially for you, Sweet Lady. It comes with loads of love.

It was written by a very dear friend of mine, Charlie, who lost his only child, aged 22. It nearly destroyed he and his wife, but they got through to the other side of pain, surrounded by love. I believe totally that their dear son, Peter, brought many people into their world who now help to carry them through. I also have no doubt that your Andie is doing exactly the same thing.

And hey, she'll be chuckling over that earring..."Oh! MOMMMM!" You be sure to 'take her with you' when you go to choose a new pair of Andie Earrings. (((xxx)))

'The Reason For My Journey'

Staying the course
Navigating without
Compass or maps
You are the star
That guides me home
From an ocean of darkness
I follow your light
Keeping you
In the center of my vision
Never losing sight of
The reason for my journey
You are
My Destination

(Charles R. James)

Just write naturally, from the heart, let it come out the way it's all meant to.

And by the way, there is no precipice to fear, just a gentle fall, into the arms of your daughter. Keep her 'in the centre of your vision'