The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121452   Message #2651615
Posted By: Artful Codger
08-Jun-09 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: Writing songs in your sleep
Subject: Dream music
I almost always wake up with some tune running through my head. In fact, I've trained myself to remember my last dream when I wake up, and find that these tunes are usually carry-overs from my dreams, though the internal music may switch gears shortly after waking. The title of the recognized music may be meaningful, and with songs there will often be a line that stands out as significant.

Sometimes I end up with tunes that I've never heard before, ones that apparently I've composed in my sleep. Most are derivative dreck, but some are interesting enough that I've written down what I can remember, and a few I've even used for actual songs.

This morning, for instance, I woke up dream-singing a trio with my brother and his wife. They were reading their parts from sheet music, and I jumped in with an improvised bass line that added some jauntiness and levity. I remember all three lines of the chorus and about half the words. And it has potential.

So I was wondering: What are your experiences with dream music backgrounds and with composing music or lyrics in your sleep? Have you tried "sleep-tasking": achieving specific goals while you sleep, like brainstorming a problem, writing a tune or fixing a problem line?