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Thread #121408   Message #2651745
Posted By: GUEST,Daily Mail reader
08-Jun-09 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
Subject: RE: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
With the success of the BNP in winning TWO seats in the European Parliament, the three main parties are prattling on YET AGAIN about "connecting with the people" and trotting out the usual tired worn out rhetoric about "fascists" "racists" etc, not daring to face the obvious fact that it was exactly their BETRAYAL of the British people that has led to the historic rise of the BNP!

When the BNP called for a halt to immigration they called them "fascists and racists."

Now EVERY party is prattling about the "need to do something about immigration" AND STILL DOING NOTHING!

When the BNP called for "British jobs for British workers" they called them "fascists and racists."

Then Gordon Brown stole that phrase from the BNP AND DID NOTHING about immigrants taking British jobs.

And how could he when UNITE was busy setting up recruiting agaencies abroad for immigrants to get those same British jobs Gordon Brown prattled on about being for the British?

When Nick Griffin warned about the growing Islamic threat he was labelled "fascist and racist" and the BNP labelled "Islamophobes" even though he actually warned that the gravest threat came from British born Muslims in Bradford - then 7/7 proved him absolutely right even though the media stll labelled the BNP "fascists and racists."

When he warned about the increasing sexual grooming of children by Asians and Muslims he was called a "fascist" and a "racist" and the police let these vile practices continue in the name of "commumity relations."

When the BNP revealed the expenses scandal (and yes, they were the first to reveal it - a fact the media lied about) they were studiously ignored by the media and the MPs filling their boots at the taxpayers expense at Troughminster!

EVERYTHING the BNP was first to bring to the public's attention was derided and defamed by the REAL fascists in our society: The MPs at westminster, and the controlled media who act as the propaganda arm of the government!

And when the BNP campaigned on behalf of the Ghurkas the media resorted to outright lies (fed by the Marxist "Searchlight" organisation who they trot out whenever a lie about the BNP has to be fabricated) that the BNP was against the Ghurkas, even going as far a printing a FAKE leaflet, produced by Searchlight, which was distributed by a full time employee of the so-called 'Tyneside and Wear Anti Fascist Association'!

And some Labour councils went totally against the law when they covered up BNP billboards in the days leading up to the European and local elections!

And that is not the mention the deliberate harassment and illegal arrest and detention of BNP members by the police in order to give the media another BNP bashing headline!

So who are the REAL fascists in Britain today - a perfectly legal political party or those who can only oppose it by lies, smears, intimidation, harrassment and outright violence?

Good night and The Best of British to you all.