The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121408   Message #2651915
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Jun-09 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
Subject: RE: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
Tug the Cox, I think you are either willfully misunderstanding me in order to score some bogus points that have no real basis...or you have a need to have something to get upset about....or you're honestly failing utterly to understand what I posted in the first place.

I have always been in favour of the civil laws we alreaady have in place such as "the laws of Libel, Slander, the Official Secrets Act (depending on what they're trying to hide and from whom...there are some secrets the general public ought to have had revealed to them by now); and I'm in favour of the laws against conspiracy, the laws against causing a breech of the peace, the laws againsts inciting violence, and the laws against inciting racial hatred etc..."

It is downright silly that you would think, on the basis of what I have posted here, that I would not support such laws. I do NOT feel that people have the right to use their freedom of speech to break any of the civil laws! I am also 100% against anyone harassing ethnic minorities...or other minorities. I'm against people harassing other people, period, no matter who is doing the harassing. I'm also against bullies. Same basic thing. God knows, I had to deal with a lot of them back when I was in school, because I was in a distinct minority at the time, let me tell you.

I said, simply, that (the right of) freedom of speech is for everyone in a democracy, not just for some...and I mean by that, that everyone who obeys the many normal civil laws that we all take for granted has the right to speak their opinions freely and openly. Duh! Why should I even have to explain this? It's bloody obvious. Only fascists and other dictatorial regimes will take away that universal right of freedom of speech from certain segments of the population, based solely on what their opinions are.

Get a grip before you also accuse me of supporting torture, bigamy, wife-stabbing, patricide, noodle-bending, cannibalism, and abuse of helpless farm animals...

Yeah, I wish I and my opinions were as awful as you would like me to be so you can prove to yourself how awfully bad I am....(sigh)...but I'm not. You are engaging in a self-serving fantasy when it comes to that.


Nick - Okay, let's see then. What is your understanding of liberalism?