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Thread #121408   Message #2652787
Posted By: Lox
09-Jun-09 - 08:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
Subject: RE: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
One of the most disturbing things to note about the current situation, that should give cause for great concern and which sends a shiver of real fear down my spine and gives me a feeling of slight nausea is that as MEP's, the BNP are entitled to equal representation in the media with other elected parties.

As a result, we are now seeing their ugly faces all over the papers and TV in a way that we never have before and we have to endure their mendacity on the nightly news.

Secondly, now that they can claim expenses and are paid a salary, our taxes are being used to fund them.

Thirdly, they are enitled to demand protection from the EU which also comes out of our pocket.

Fourthly, each MEP is entitled to employ his 'team' of researchers etc ...

... noticed the band of "thick set men" in Griffins entourage? (as described by the BBC) - how much are we paying them?

we've given a free pass to the thugs into the EU parliament, never mind their leaders.

In the thirties, the brown shirts lined the walls of the reichstag and hissed whenever oppopnents of the Nazi party tried to speak.

Legitimate Nazi thugs in parliament again?

fair enough, they only have 2 seats, and Britain will not make the same mistake next time around, but it does demonstrate how quickly things like this could get out of control if there was a genuine groundswell of support.