The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121494   Message #2653535
Posted By: GUEST,beardedbruce
10-Jun-09 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
Subject: RE: BS: shooting in DC?
These anti-gun obsessives are amazing. Here is a case where all the present laws say the person shouls never have had a gun, and they think that another law would do anything other than disarm the law-abiding citizen, making them easy victims for criminals.

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The suspect in Wednesday's fatal shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is James von Brunn, an 88-year-old white supremacist from Maryland, two law enforcement officials told CNN.

Von Brunn served six years in prison on federal attempted kidnapping, assault and firearms charges after what he called a "legal, nonviolent citizens arrest" of members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

On his Web site, "Holy Western Empire," von Brunn said he was "convicted by a Negro jury, Jew/Negro attorneys, and sentenced to prison for eleven years by a Jew judge."

"He is in our files going back way into the 1980s," said Heidi Beirich, a researcher for the Montgomery, Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center.

"He has extremely long history with neo-Nazis and white supremacists. He's written extremely incendiary publications, raging about Jews, blacks and the like." "