The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121494 Message #2653629
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jun-09 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
Subject: RE: BS: shooting in DC?
Ain't no one advocatin' "throwing out the Bill of Rights", bb... That is just knee-jerkism at its best on yer part...
Just as on the other thread about guns, you don't want a discussion about the abiguity of the language of the 2nd ammendment... You and th NRA just want reasonable people to shut the fu*k up... And if we don't then ya'll don't have no problem if folks like this nut just shut us up by assasinatin' us...
That's purdy much what it biols down to with the right wing... The entire last part of the 20th century was marked with right winged people assasinating progressives... You have to go back to Huey Long in the 30's to find the last rigyhtie that was assasinated... Since then, bb, yer side has had no problems with using assasination as one of it's terrorist tools...
That is the way it is... No dodgin' it... Now, to wit, we have lunies right wing folks who have captured the airwaves (which are supposed to be owned by the public) to preach hatred...
There will be more right wingers assasinating progressives until we call a halt to right wingers thinking that's it's perfectly okay to yell "Fire!!!" in a crowded movie theather...
But, yeah, I've heard all the right wing arguments... They love to spout off "strick construction" and "judical activism" when it means that they can let any right winged nutball to not only have unfettered access to high powered waepons but also unfettered access to hate programing that streams over the publicly owned airwaves...
Home Land Security Secretary Napolitano warned of this and the right wing yhelf her feet to the fire and she apologized... I think that she can retract the apology now 'cause we're back into another right wing assasination binge... 2 in 11 days, and counting...
But , ya'll keep them nutballs charged up with hate speech and guns... It's what the right wing does best... Killing and lieing!!!