The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121494   Message #2653648
Posted By: Donuel
10-Jun-09 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
Subject: RE: BS: shooting in DC?
This particular white supreamist shooter probably did not need Rush LImbaugh for encouragment and an emboldened self esteem to commit political/terrorist murder, however there is a clear increase in assaults on police officers as well as the recent high profile murders such as Dr. Tiller and other church shootings.

If you too were to monitor the hatriotic goadings by the right wing raido personalities for just one week you would be surprised how many times you will hear the call for violence and action against those who are now destroying :
the rights of white people
the constitution
the economy

Calling on the 10% of unemployed Americans who only feel powerful when armed and have nothing left to lose to go out and fight against the Obama tyranny has resulted in murder.

Imus was broomed away for saying nappy headed ho.
It took only a pompous activist to organize his removal.

What and who will do the same for the most vile "entertainers" who call for their xenophobic revenge against Jews Blacks Mexicans Gays and 'Democrat Socialists' in order to take back America?

Do not forget that several of these terrorists have quoted Rush LImbaugh as a defense and rationale for the murders they have commited both verbally and in letters left behind.

Before you dissmisively say in Limbaugh's "its just free speech", realize that inciting people to kill is not always political speech. Sometimes it is aiding and abetting murder.

I could go into detail about the ways in which certain inflamatory remarks are qualified and certain lies have a straw man lie preceding it, but suffice it to say that Rush has already killed people he has never met and I suspect he enjoys it.