The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121494   Message #2653651
Posted By: Charley Noble
10-Jun-09 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
Subject: RE: BS: shooting in DC?
This is really an outrageous incident, and especially tragic for the family and friends of security guard that was killed. And it's even more outrageous that the act took place at a holocaust museum.

Bill Cohen, former US Republican Senator from Maine and Secretary of State under President Clinton, whom I know was 30 feet away and expressed his shock and concern on CNN, and described how he and the museum director got the hell up the stairs as fast as they could. They also did all they could to prevent other museum visitors from trying to evacuate the museum via those same stairs, which might have exposed them to a firefight.

I find it strange that some folks here find something to debate. It's almost as if the actions above were happening on a video screen rather than in some real place.

Charley Noble