The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121494   Message #2653656
Posted By: Azizi
10-Jun-09 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
Subject: RE: BS: shooting in DC?
A Black Man Dying in Defense of the Holocaust Museum
10 Jun 2009 05:32 pm
Ta-Nehisi writes:

"Perhaps this means nothing but I feel that I should acknowledge that a black man was killed on guard duty at the Holocaust museum. That may mean nothing. But I think it should be said.

No, it means something. More than something, in fact. The great tragedy of the rift between blacks and Jews is that while we waste time arguing with each other, our common enemy -- racialist fascism -- goes unfought. Add Stephen Tyrone Johns to the group that includes Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman. All were victims of the same sick ideology."

My condolences to the family & friends of Stephen Tyrone Johns.


It may be a coincidence, but this evening was to be the debut of Anne and Emmett, a play written by Janet Langhart Cohen, the wife of Former Defense Secretary William S. Cohen. A comment written by Secretary Cohen indicates that he was   "30 feet away from where the shots were fired. Mrs. Cohen was in transit to the final rehearsal of her play, Anne and Emmett, at the time of the shooting, but was unable to enter the building upon her arrival...

"Anne & Emmett" is centered around an imaginary conversation between 14-year-old Anne Frank and 15-year-old Emmett Till. One was murdered because she was Jewish, the other because he was Black. These two teenagers were fatal victims of anti-Semitism and racism. The play explores the commonalities and parallels between their lives. This play will give all who view it an inside look at why it is so vital that the world learn more about genocide and how we can act to prevent it before it is too late".