The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121494   Message #2653724
Posted By: Bill D
11-Jun-09 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
Subject: RE: BS: shooting in DC?
"As long as you also outlaw bows, arrows, and swords. Items designed with only one purpose in mind, there is no justification."

I'm quite sure law enforcement...and myself... would be happy to have only bows & swords & knives to contend with.
Firearms **are** a special category... they allow killing easily and quickly...and in the case of handguns, with surprise. Cowards who would not dare face their 'enemy' with a knife or sword will choose a gun.
You are changing the debate to avoid the direct issue of firearms (along with occasional explosives) being the weapon of choice for hate crime. It is not a matter of 2nd amendments, or equivocation upon the concept of 'dangerous weapon' or diversion into 'slippery slope' arguments about losing other 'rights'. It is a matter of reducing the number of 'easy' crimes of violence made possible by lax gun laws and the difficulty of enforcing them.

Grieving families will not appreciate your arguments.....