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Thread #121494   Message #2654438
Posted By: Bobert
11-Jun-09 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
Subject: RE: BS: shooting in DC?
No, Mark... But look who got assasinated??? All progressive/liberals... And also, fir the one millionth time, what exactly was Oswald's beef with JFK and Sirhan's with RFK??? I mean, let's get real here... Other than minor political differences niether Sirhan or Oswald had all that much motive... Hmmmmmm??? I don't see the kind of rabid hatred as a motivating force in either Oswald or Sirhan... Or James Earl Ray, for that matter... These folks weren't memebers of fringe rightie groups, I'll admit, but something triggered them... I think that something is the CIA... I think that all of these assasins were CIA created...

There is a theory that the CIA has folks who are so brainwashed and stoked that they will do what they are ordered... That kinda expalins the lack of motivation on the assasins parts in the 60's assasinations... I mean, let's get real here... You don't appreciate but can see the motivation is yesterday's killing... It came from this man's heart (or lack thereof...)... I mean, this guy had a track record... Ray, Oswald and Sirhan didn't... All of them just came out of nowhere, so to speak...

Okay, I'll admit that I'm not 100% on the CIA... The FBI mighta had it's hand in it, too... But between them, they had JFK, RFK and MLK assasinated... And they represented the right wing in the 60s...
