The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121535   Message #2654758
Posted By: GUEST,Puck
12-Jun-09 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: Billy Bragg and incitement to violence
Subject: RE: Billy Bragg and incitement to violence
I am sure some of Bragg's comments were born of the recent election successes of otherwise fringe parties. But to put this success into context you have to examine the cause of their success, and our politicians themselves are the architects of the recent election results. Recent events have shown politicians of all 'political colours' cannot be trusted, with only a few showing the expected and required moral conscience. Time for a complete clean sweep! Lets have a major change I say.
Offloading or attempting to offload blame onto, first of all onto the Speaker, Martin, and then trying to fob their collective blame onto getting rid of Brown, just indicates what a shower of s**t they are. In altering the focus in this fashion they think they can spin their way clear of any blame, but blame rests with them for the recent success of racists! Cameron's lot are no better - probably worse! So don't lets swallow their bullshit any longer. Prune out the useless and rotten and throw them out to wither.
Bragg's reaction is entirely understandable. The idea that M.P.s wickedness has lead to more support for the likes of the BNP during the recent elections makes me livid. More power to his elbow!
Remember the Peasants revolt of 1381?
Time for the peasants to revolt again and cut this cancer out of Government!