The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120959   Message #2654946
Posted By: Pierre Le Chapeau
12-Jun-09 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
Subject: RE: Knockholt - This Is Summer! - June 2009
Clearly Richard seems to have mastered the art of Sauce making so let Richard bring the sauce and I will bring the Leg of Lamb. I mean cant we put a Vegetable Tagine on a leg of lamb.
I really wouldn't know?
Once cooked we can slice the lamb for the Thursady night meal and have a bowl of sauce Re dipper.
alternately I can buy the ingredients listed 3 threads above the scary one or the one above or both and make them best we can on site.

What do folk think?