The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121535   Message #2655050
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
12-Jun-09 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: Billy Bragg and incitement to violence
Subject: RE: Billy Bragg and incitement to violence
I'm not afraid of the BNP, I despise them and anyone taken in by them. In particular, I'm disgusted by those who whinge that they're a "legal" political party and thus "entitled to their views". No, they're not.

Wordy mentioned the Battle of Cable Street when eastenders repelled the Mosleyite thugs under the slogan ¡No Pasarán! My old Foreign Editor Sam Lesser, the son of Jewish Polish immigrants and now aged 94, was there and shortly afterwards, left for Spain to fight in the International Brigades against Franco.

Last Tuesday, the second day of Folk Against Fascism, he was on the Today programme being interviewed along with the Spanish ambassador to mark the occasion of the last few surviving veterans being granted Spanish citizenship as a mark of respect for their bravery, albeit unsuccessful since the Spanish people were oppressed by Franco the fascist for the next four decades. Although I'd sworn never to use Facebook, I joined up instantly just to join this group.

If the International Brigaders had the bottle to stand up to fascism with whatever arms they could lay hands on, so should we.