The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121494   Message #2655244
Posted By: Bill D
12-Jun-09 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
Subject: RE: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
"Sarcasm seems to be more effort than it is worth, from the results it gets here... "

It depends on the source, the context and the 'crafting' of sarcasm. When we have only text, and no voice tone or body language, things can get muddy.

(you note I sprinkle my posts with italics underlining, bold type, CAPITALS for emphasis, 'single quotes' for indicating a 'verbal inflection' of a lesser degree than SHOUTING, **asterisks** for even more emphasis, and sometimes **ALL** of them!!! (along with a few exclamation points at odd times) I like my posts to read as much like listening to me 'live' as possible. I even toss in a smile or **grin** when I want to be sure my intent is not mistaken.
   Sarcasm in print, as tempting as it can be at times, is often missed and, if seen, is taken as gratuitous insult or bad logic.

If you are regularly misunderstood, it may NOT be all your audience's fault.. ☺☺☺