The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121535   Message #2655447
Posted By: VirginiaTam
13-Jun-09 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: Billy Bragg and incitement to violence
Subject: RE: Billy Bragg and incitement to violence
In my first year lining in UK (2003), riding a First bus in Chelmsford on my way home after work, one of those race haters boarded and commenced to striding up and down the aisle though there were seats available.

He didn't say anything to any one on the bus, but you could tell he was itching to vent on something or someone. Maybe drink or drugs was involved. Soon there was a cyclist in turban and khurta, riding just ahead of us. The skin head on the bus went mental. Screaming (and I do mean screaming) obscenities and names like "Paki" at the cyclist as we passed him.

I was stunned and afraid. I wanted to say something. Clearly the driver (older white male) the bus wasn't going to do anything, nor were other passengers. But being new to England and having a distinct foreign accent, I just bit my lip. I had planned to get off at the next stop but the young monster beat me to it. I feared he was going back toward that cyclist.

I have to say, I don't know what I'd do if that happened today. I am different than I was 6 years ago. Less fearful in many ways. I hope I would go to the driver and require that such a passenger be put off.