The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121535   Message #2655494
Posted By: Lox
13-Jun-09 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: Billy Bragg and incitement to violence
Subject: RE: Billy Bragg and incitement to violence
Fred abd Backwoodsman,

I actually completely agree with you.

It can be a mistake to wax too poetical when confronting these kinds of issues as there will always be some pedantic critic who selectively chooses some quote out of context to use against its originator.

Clear unambiguous language may be boring but it is the only way to tackle the matter.

Also, complicated conceptual arguments are a waste of time and will only result in discussions quickly becoming bogged down in irrelevant detail.

Strategies change over time as different parties evolve and grow.

The BNP have changed their style and image in recent years to try and gain more support.

They now wish to sell themselves as reasonable democratic folks and they wish to portray their opponents as undemocratic thugs.

In the old days when they were more honest, they could be confronted with the type of Irony used by Billy Bragg.

They have learned a lesson in public image from the tabloids however, that you can ruin a persons reputation by lying about them and misquoting them.

So as you say, clarity is the key.

In addition, the emphasis must be placed on production of evidence.

When an assertion is made about the BNP, it must be backed up with evidence and peoplke must be told where they can verify information given.

That way, when the BNP refuse to match you with their own verifiable evidence it becomes clear that their views are unsupported and their claims untrue.