The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121546 Message #2655705
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jun-09 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat???
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat???
First of all, I'd like to go on record of confessin' to havin' a couple big words in my holster... Jus' savin' 'um for the right occasion...
Hey, wait, this is the right occasion: "polimorphis perverse guilt"!!! Whaddayathink now about this ol' hillbilly??? Don't mess with Texas, gol danged it... 'Er dachshunds either... Shatner??? Well, ahhhhhh, whad he ever do??? He can't sing... He can't act... He's blimped out like the Goodyear thing... He's washed up... No, he's not wasshed up 'cause in order to be washed up you had to be something to begin with, right??? Might of fact, seein' as balls have allready been iontroduced to this thread, I wouldn't let Shatner carry LH's dog's jock strap...
And lastly, the deer fence will work, Maggie... I have the light duty stuff around my veggie garden and haven't had a deer in there since I put it up 4 years ago... And that is the light duty stuff...
Lead walls??? Now there's an idea???
Dolly Parton's bra??? Whew, I ain't even going there... Not that I wouldn't, mind you, if I was a single guy and she was, too... Single, that is... Not guy...