The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121446   Message #2655855
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
13-Jun-09 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
LH: OK, but I do not believe worldly knowledge enters into what I would term wisdom, or does it?
As per Slag who went on about it but finally came to:
"A wise person is knowledgeable but a knowledgeable person is not necessarily wise." THAT I can accept. To me, the most real knowledge is that which is eternal and comes from the inner depths of a "wise" person.

Religion/religious- Amos: That is, of course, a long way around and, I believe begs the question in the end. But at least I understood your words! Not sure, at this point, I care anymore. I am about to dump "religion" and "the American Way of Life" in the same basket - myriad definitions, too numerous to be meaningful?

Back to your pontificating, folks. I recognize the fun you are having. Endless and circular - almost.