The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120986   Message #2655998
Posted By: SPB-Cooperator
14-Jun-09 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?
it is dangerous to bring 'concerns about this' and 'concerns about that'into a debate about the facist and racist nature of the BNP. I have concerns that one of my local pubs no longer sells real ale. If BNP voice the same concern that does not deminish their evil and devisiveness.

Anyone can make a public statement that they will "do SOMETHING about an issue". What we are waiting for here is honest and transparent answers about what what their SOMETHINGS are.

The first thing they can do is stop denying the criminal records that a number of their members including senior members have. Secondly stop denying their venomous activities for which their is more than ample documentary and film evidence. Thirdly stop denying their links with fascist and race-hate organisations around the world, or at least for a start provide an explanation why it is in the public interest to engage with such. Fourthly - stop lying on television - Bronz lied about his arrest and conviction this morning.

Fifth - keep your nasty slimy grubby hands away from the worker coop movement. We dont want to catch any nasty diseases from you.