The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121570   Message #2656324
Posted By: Vic Smith
14-Jun-09 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: Boring Folk Day
Subject: RE: Boring Folk Day
Oh dear! I can feel the temperature rising again. Let's see if I can do something to diffuse it…….

The most important point about Dick's reaction to my posting is where he says yes,I agree Vic . Good, so it looks like we both think what Joe wrote was wrong and that is fundamental. Everything else is more trivial.

However, you have raised points about the honesty and integrity of my actions which I hope that I can answer in a way that is non-confrontational.
You say
you are being selective in an attempt to score a point.
And elsewhere
you are generalising from one particular quote,but I am not surprised because you are only interested in scoring points.

Well, I would beg to differ. First of all, this is not the first time that Joe has made statements of a worryingly dodgy nature on this subject in his Ramblings but to my mind this was the most blatant. As for my being "selective" in the quote, if you can find a better context for that quote, please feel free to do so here. I would be delighted if a better interpretation could be put on this statement.

You say
if you have an issue with Joe Stead,and are saying that he has said something unacceptable and racist ,contact him
Well, of course, I did that, Dick. I emailed him straight away on reading it. He replied saying

Hi Vic,

I'm surprised you think this is an anti Muslim tirade……But at least you read me! Thanks for that.


I make no comment on whether you would consider this an adequate response.

Perhaps, I shouldn't have posted Joe's comment here. I certainly wouldn't have done but for your posting on Joe as an exemplar of a humorist. Humour depends as much on one's reaction to the perpetrator as much as one's reaction to the material, so I have never found Joe funny in the same way that I never found Les Dawson funny. I do find the whole Borfolk concept very funny in a way that I think is inventive and keenly observed. If you find Joe's Ramblings funnier, perhaps you could give some examples here.

Finally, could I offer you some advice, though it would probably be unwanted? Don't jump into the deep end in anger with Lawrence Heath. It is gentle harmless humour and it's not intended to hurt anyone. Look what happened when you misinterpreted a comment by Ian Anderson. You said that you ended up apologising to him over that. Don't get into a similar mess here. Look at Lizzie. She may, or may not, be Sally Pastie Head, but at least she has the grace to find Sally funny.