The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121576   Message #2656526
Posted By: Michael Harrison
14-Jun-09 - 09:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: California: where to go? what to see?
Subject: RE: BS: California: where to go? what to see?
You know, back several years ago I had some friends who were getting married and they were not sure of where to go for their honeymoon; as a result, they sent letters of inquiry to the tourist boards of several countries and received a ton of literature and coupons, etc., from each country. I would suspect (and I know it's done in Texas) that there is a touist/travel board for each state and probably for every major city/area you would want to visit in the US. I do not work for the post office but I'd suggest you send off some letters or seek out some websites and ask them to mail you what they've got to get you to spend money in their community. I betcha a beer you'll get a lot of useful stuff. Take what I've just written and add it to the good stuff above as well as other stuff to follow. Good luck. Cheers,............mwh