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Thread #121562   Message #2656565
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
14-Jun-09 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Fox News a Terrorist Organization???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Fox News a Terrorist Organization???
Carol C: What I. F. Stone is describing is not reportage (not "news"), it's advocacy journalism, which may be a perfectly good activity to engage in, but it shouldn't be labeled "news". It should be labeled what it is - advocacy journalism (or opinion or propaganda... whichever seems the best fit).

Perhaps that quote did not tell the picture. What I.F. Stone DID was dig for the truth in any situation. Not to advocate, or propagandize but to bring to the surface that which had been purposely hidden. Photographer in WWII, Eugene Smith, sent back articles and photos to Life/Time/ NYTimes but they were, often, so censored that often only the title and byline arrived in NYC. He saw truths that the U.S. govt did not want known. I.F. found those types of truths.

My father read news from right, left and center, seeking the truth of situations. From The National Guardian to US News& WR. And I.F. Stone. One viewing point is never sufficient in the search for truth.