The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121494 Message #2656939
Posted By: Bill D
15-Jun-09 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
Subject: RE: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum
" Probably the most discouraging thing about the people who want to ban guns is their unwillingness to familiarize themselves with the subject of which they are suppose to be talking."
Familiarize in what way? Buy some? Take shooting lessons? Read all the posts from beardedbruce and several other 'knowledgeable' gun owners? How much do I need to know to add to my store of information about how many probable illegal weapons are out there? ...and how many legal ones are in the hands of folks who are barely competent? I also can look at the statistics of how many deaths & injuries (including suicides) occur each year as a result of of stupid or criminal USE of guns. I am also 'familar' with lax laws, such as in Virginia, that allow MORE stupid & criminal types to easily increase their collections and/or SELL them in other states right across the river in Maryland where *I* live, or in DC where the latest incident occured.
Familiarize? Perhaps YOU will tell me what more I need to know.