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Thread #121446   Message #2657058
Posted By: plnelson
15-Jun-09 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
It's science -VS- religion because they are epistemological opposites.

I'm a member of the American Assoociation for the Advancement of Science and I've been a science geek all my life.

Science is truth with a lower-case "t". It's PROVISIONAL truth. It's the best truth we can come up with at the moment based on our best data and models.   But it could CHANGE. A better theory, or a new observation, or a clever experiment might upset the applecart.   

And that's OKAY.   It's happened countless times throughout scientific history.   It's how science advances.   It's why we can do quantum encryption and quantum tunneling now even though Einstein pooh-poohed God playing dice, and spooky action at a distance.   It's why physicists today are all excited about "dark matter" even though that might upset LOTS of applecarts!   Scientists think new ideas are cool and exciting.   No intellectually-honest scientist can fail to acknowledge that some core belief he has MIGHT turn out to be wrong. And that's OK.

Not so much religion.   The basic premises of the world's major religions have not changed in centuries.   The idea that some test or experiment might disprove some basic religious truth fills them with horror because religions think of truth with a capital "t" - not subject to change or disproof.   If a Christian believes that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected a few days later and will return again, this is NOT subject to debate or experimentation.

A scientist can convince the rest of the scientific community that he's right if he has good data and a solid theory.   But put a Christian, a Muslim, and Jew together in a room and there's nothing any of them can say or do to convince the others.