The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121546   Message #2657148
Posted By: catspaw49
15-Jun-09 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat???
Subject: RE: BS: Why Am I Locked Out of Mudcat???
Listen Bobertz......If you decide to sing "Honey" for Amos at the Getaway, I wrote some alternate lyrics awhile back that make it a lot more palatable.............

See the tree, how big its grown
And now you're dead
I can't get blown
I've got an itch.
When you were alive
It cost twenty-five
Why did you always charge so much
You fuckin' bitch

Our tree grew large, it fell on you
Now you're gone, my balls are blue
I can't get laid.
So now I've started shagging sheep
And sometimes chickens in their sleep
But they want paid.

Oh Honey I miss you
Cause when you were alive
I could at least get a hand job
For a buck fifty-five.
