The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121446   Message #2657236
Posted By: Slag
15-Jun-09 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
As stated much earlier (by me, I think) science has a good argument going for it because it works! However some use the same argument for their religion or God. What is sad in both cases is that many, a vast many, use such a view of science or religion or UFOs as a basis to STOP THINKING! Or to not begin thinking in the first place.

pln hit a big nail on the head when he said that many religions can't wait to set in stone (I paraphrase) their doctrine upon the demise of the founder. There are some, though much fewer examples, of those who will not let go a defunct scientific theory.

I am a believer but I have never stopped learning and thinking. It amazes me that so many so-called believers cannot perceive (conceive?) of their God having a greater understanding than they. Their God is only large enough to fit their particular view point on things. To me, science is the discovery or the attempt to discover HOW God did it; how it all works together.

This seems to be a perennial "hot topic" below the line, here at the 'cat and I have comptemplated beginning a thread with an interesting point of view. The only problem is, that it will readily lend itself to humor and the serious aspect would never emerge. I'm working on it. It would be something along the lines of "What would you do if you were God?" After all, we are the most god-like beings of which we know within time and space. In Psalms 82:6 (YWHW speaking)"I have said 'Ye are gods; and all of you (are) children of the most High." Jesus cites this in John 10:34 and states that the Scripture cannot be broken. Whether you are a believer, doubter or antagonist go with it for a little serious thought. In what way are we gods, or god-like?

In a similar vein, Oscar Wilde said (again I paraphrase for the same lazy reason) We are all born kings but most of us live out our lives in exile.

In regards to doubters and especially doubters who have suffered at the hands of "believers" let me say this. True faith cannot exist without doubt. That is precisely why Kierkegaard described faith as a leap (into darkness/unknowing). I would submit that those who become militant about their religion or "faith" have little or no faith to begin with...only religion. They do not have enough understanding or their god is so limited that the only way they/He can cope with the opposition is to do violence. It is all about THEIR power and ego. This makes them and their God, or at least their understanding of their God, very limited.

Some scientists have suffered ridicule and shunning from their own colleagues also. Doubters. Some were so far advanced in their understanding that they were ostracized by the mundane hacks who had power and position. This is one of the reasons why I said earlier, that ego really has no place in science. That's true for religion also and virtually anyone who has every had an awe-inspiring religious experience will tell you that ego was the farthest thing from their minds at the time.

Well, I DO go on, don't I? I try to stay out of it and just read, but I seem to be afflicted with the same bug as the rest of you. Fortunately, with dial-up it keeps taking longer to load the thread and eventually the weight (WAIT) of time will tip the balance in favor of other threads, other pursuits.