The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121446   Message #2657262
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
15-Jun-09 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
"A parallel dualism could be drawn up pitting kindness against insight, with equally senseless results."

I was not setting up any dualism, nor pitting anything against anything. Science has parameters which change as new information arises. Religion is totally individualistic in my estimation. And, frankly, Scarlet, I no longer give a damn. I know where I stand - at the moment and for most of my life, basically. The rest of you can pontificate for the rest of your lives for all I care. Words are poor substitutes for... I won't go there. Those who are there understand; those who are not are probably content where they are. No one is right or wrong, IMO. I respect where each person is BUT I am tired of the words, words, words!!!! I shall try very hard not to even look here again, even in curiosity to see "what they are up to today."

I appreciate that some people love this kind of word play. For me, endlessly playing with semantics gets to be a bore. Go for it!