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Thread #115854   Message #2657304
Posted By: plnelson
15-Jun-09 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
It would be far more constructive, coherent and considerate of others, lass, to say what it is you think was nonsense

But Amos, that's all they've got!

The anti-gay-marriage argument comes down to two things:

1. Religious objections.   
-- Fine; they are welcome to believe whatever they want - we have freedom of religion in this country - but that doesn't give them the right to impose their religious views on others. I have no problem with gay-marriage legislation that includes an "out" for clergy who don't want to preside over a gay marriage due to religious objections (e.g. the recent NH bill), although I don't see why it's necessary because why would a gay or lesbian couple want to married by someone who objects to their marriage?

2. Dark but vague references to some threat represented by gay marriages to straight marriage.
-- I've long since stopped wasting my time demanding examples or clarification because they haven't GOT any. My wife and I have been married for 24 years. She's a musician; I'm an artist and poet. We often hang out or vacation in artsy places (e.g. Provincetown, MA), where, true to the stereotype, there are large gay populations. So we have lots of gay or lesbian friends and acquaintances. So I think we would have noticed any problems by now. But I asked the right wingers: What are the clues? What are the warning signs? Does it have something to do with interior decorating?   But answer came there none.