The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2657343
Posted By: jeddy
15-Jun-09 - 09:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
hello, right (rolling sleeves up) the things that people saying on here that AIDS and HIV are gay diseases astounds me to the point of frothing at the mouth. have you not heard lately that HIV for hetros is on the up too?it is not just gays that are being less cautious, and not practicing safe sex, we all know that. so why only pick out THE GAYS?

AKE, i do not agree with you on most things but you are a gentleman when it comes to admitting where you have overstepped the mark.

question.... do you have GAY clergy in the states?.. i haven't figured that one out yet,how one can follow the bible and tell you not to be who you are born to be. hummmmm

if you have, would it not be such a leap to have at least one gay church in every town/ city?

no has got back to me on the comarison between gay and sraight couples having and keeping kids.    i am sure you all know of someone who has kids and can't be bothered to raise them right.
just because biology says they can have them it doesn't mean they should. on the other hand you have people who can't have kids and would make wonderful parents. why would this group of people exclude gay couples?

i don't understand!!!!!!

take care all and be grateful for the loves in your' lives, whatever form that takes

jade x x